Ballum 2024

21. Sichern Sie sich tolle Angebote und buchen Sie Ihr Hotel in Ballum, Niederlande online. Gute Verf gbarkeiten und attractive Preise. Read the Hotelbewertungen und w hlen Sie das beste Hotelangebot fr Ihren Aufenthalt. 13. April 2023. Borgerm de about K bmand19. April - at 19.00 in Ballum Multihus. due to the importance of this matter, the general meeting of Ballum Landsbyforening has been postponed. Come and hear about the working group's preliminary work and the potential for a new grocery store in Ballum. We will review how citizens' parties can realize the project and what, Tagen. Randerup - Skast - Hjerpsted - Ballum. Local material. Events News archive A collective with humor at the center Our Ildsj le Foreningsliv. Ballum Rifle Association, Ballum Sports Association, Ballum Hunting Association, Ballum Village Association YMCA Scouts in Ballum Wednesday

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